Sunday, July 5, 2009

Nick's Mission Call

Well if finally happened, Nick got his mission call. He is going to the Detroit, Michigan Mission. He enters the Provo MTC on September 30, 2009. He turns 19 on August 1st, which is also the day that he has chosen to take out his endowments. He will enter the Vernal Temple at 1:30pm and the endowment session begins at 2:30. I know he would love to have alot of people there. I know he would LOVE to have his parents there also, but that wont happen. I do feel a lot of guilt for not being able to be there with him. I just hope that he will understand someday. I am so proud of his choice to go on a mission. Nick has had such a hard life yet he has really turned into an incredible young man. He has such a big heart! I know that he will be able to do what he needs to do on his mission and will return with honor!! I love you so much Nick!! It will be VERY hard while you are gone. But I know that you will return a stronger man.

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