Sunday, July 5, 2009

Samantha Christine Stanley

Samantha Christine Stanley
Born: April 28, 1993
Sam will be a Junior at Union HS this next year also.
Sam is finally 16!!! I don't think she thought that it would ever happen!
She just got her real driver's license in the mail, so cute!
It is so nice to not have to drive ANYWHERE!! LOL!
I sould like a dang 2 year old..."Can I drive? Please Sam!!??"
Being the only girl with 3 big brothers has been a trial for her.
They all know that she will cry at the drop of a hat, or just a look, so the LOVE making her cry.
She has her first real boyfriend, Brett.
He is a great kid, he treats her wonderfully and well he makes her smile!!
She had her first date with Austin E., which was also her first HS dance.
Sadie's Hawkins theme was Super Hero/Super Villian.
She is growing into such a beautiful young woman!!
She is my best friend!!

Shane Richard Stanley

Shane Richard Stanley
Born: May 8, 1992
Shane will be a Junior at Union HS this next year.
Shane is 17 and wow what a kid he is.
Shane is my Mom's curse on me... you know the one...
where your Mom curses you with a child that is
He has braces right now but gets them off on July 16th.
My baby boy, well what can I say,
he is the one that will give me a hug without me asking for it.
He will cuddle with me and watch a movie or TV.

Nick's Mission Call

Well if finally happened, Nick got his mission call. He is going to the Detroit, Michigan Mission. He enters the Provo MTC on September 30, 2009. He turns 19 on August 1st, which is also the day that he has chosen to take out his endowments. He will enter the Vernal Temple at 1:30pm and the endowment session begins at 2:30. I know he would love to have alot of people there. I know he would LOVE to have his parents there also, but that wont happen. I do feel a lot of guilt for not being able to be there with him. I just hope that he will understand someday. I am so proud of his choice to go on a mission. Nick has had such a hard life yet he has really turned into an incredible young man. He has such a big heart! I know that he will be able to do what he needs to do on his mission and will return with honor!! I love you so much Nick!! It will be VERY hard while you are gone. But I know that you will return a stronger man.